Table grids

Definition: A table grid is a simplified tabular format without sorting, resizing columns, and selecting cells or rows.



For optimal accessibility

When you have minimal data

Have max. two rows of headers


Include the "scope" attribute with a value of "scope="col" for column headers and scope="row" for row headers. This helps you properly associate the header cells with their respective data cells.

When you have complex data

Assign a unique ID for each header and utilise the "headers" attribute for data cells to associate them with the corresponding header cells.





For optimal accessibility

When you have titles & last-updated dates

Include them in the <caption> tag inside of the <table> element.





For optimal accessibility

To set a default sort column and direction for a table

Add the attribute aria-sort with the desired sort direction ("ascending" or "descending") to the corresponding sortable column header.

<th data-sortable aria-sort="ascending" scope="col">.


When you use column header sorting

Avoid manually adding aria-label attributes to sortable column headers. When row sorting is enabled, JavaScript automatically adds aria-label attributes to the sortable column headers and their toggle sort buttons.


These labels are dynamically updated to reflect the current sort state of each column (ascending, descending, or unsorted) whenever there are changes in the sorting.

When you use row sorting

Include an aria-live region following the <table> element. This region will announce sort state changes to screen reader users.


Add the region to the HTML document before it loads to provide real-time updates and enhance the browsing experience for your screen reader users.