There are 2 types of pills/facets: default (.nav.nav-pills) and primary (.nav.nav-pills.nav-pills-primary). The difference between default and primary is visible only for the active state.
Default variant
<ul class="nav nav-pills">
<li class="active">
<a href="#" role="button" aria-selected="true">Active</a>
<a href="#" role="button">Normal</a>
<li class="disabled">
<a href="#" role="button" tabindex="-1" aria-disabled="true">Disabled</a>
<a href="#" role="button">Normal</a>
Primary variant
<div class="nav nav-pills nav-pills-primary">
<button type="button" class="active" aria-selected="true">Active</button>
<button type="button">Normal</button>
<button type="button" disabled>Disabled</button>
<button type="button">Normal</button>
Add .nav-pills-lg for a larger size.
<ul class="nav nav-pills nav-pills-lg">
Disabled state
To disabled the hole group/list add the .disabled class to the wrapper.